Monday, September 22, 2008
The President and the people is in similar relationship with "Husband and Wife".
While the President is the Leader to his people, just like a husband is a leader to his wife.
Husband should LOVE his wife! On the other hand, wife should has a 'submission attitude' toward her husband just like a submission to GOD Almighty.
This is a time of reflections for the 'Leader in Charge', to evaluate weather the 'President as a husband' really "LOVE" his people as his 'wife' or weather the 'Husband' has forbidden affairs with another 'woman'. Or the 'husband' sold his 'wife' for foreign/ alien 'interests'. The people is not a 'whore' that could be "sold" for "CASH"! Shame on us!
We should think about it!
May God have mercy on us sinners....
Humbly yours,
While the President is the Leader to his people, just like a husband is a leader to his wife.
Husband should LOVE his wife! On the other hand, wife should has a 'submission attitude' toward her husband just like a submission to GOD Almighty.
This is a time of reflections for the 'Leader in Charge', to evaluate weather the 'President as a husband' really "LOVE" his people as his 'wife' or weather the 'Husband' has forbidden affairs with another 'woman'. Or the 'husband' sold his 'wife' for foreign/ alien 'interests'. The people is not a 'whore' that could be "sold" for "CASH"! Shame on us!
We should think about it!
May God have mercy on us sinners....
Humbly yours,
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
A Global Warning!!!!! Be ready for 'something' !
03/09/08 10:20
Beting Es Kutub Utara Berukuran 55 KM Terlepas
Ottawa (ANTARA News) - Satu beting atau bongkahan es berukuran 55 kilometer persegi di bagian utara Kutub Utara terlepas dari induknya dan mengambang di samudera, tanda terbaru mengenai perubahan iklim secara cepat di wilayah terpencil itu.
Satu tim ilmuwan mengatakan Selasa, beting es Markham, satu dari hanya lima beting es yang tersisa di Kutub Utara, terpisah dari Pulau Ellesmere di Kanada awal Agustus.
Mereka juga menyebut, dua bongkahan besar dengan jumlah total 122 kilometer persegi telah terlepas dari beting es Serson, yang berdekatan, sehingga mengurangi ukuran sebesar 60 persen.
"Peristiwa pemecahan mendasar ini menggaris-bawahi cepatnya perubahan yang terjadi di Kutub Utara," kata Derek Mueller, seorang spesialis beting es Kutub Utara di Trent University di Ontario, dikutip Reuters.
"Perubahan ini tak terelakkan di bawah cuaca saat ini dan menunjukkan bahwa kondisi lingkungan hidup yang telah menjaga keseimbangan semua beting es ini selama ribuan tahun sudah tak ada lagi," katanya dalam surat elektronik yang dikirim Selasa larut malam.
Ia menyatakan jumlah total kehilangan es dari berbagai beting pada musim panas tahun ini mencapai angka 215 kilometer persegi, lebih dari tiga kali daerah Manhattan.
Temperatur di banyak wilayah Kutub Utara telah naik jauh lebih cepat daripada angka rata-rata global dalam beberapa dasawarsa belakangan, suatu perkembangan yang dikatakan banyak ahli berkaitan dengan pemanasan global.