Thursday, September 28, 2006

Issues in Indonesia: The Holy Month of Ramadhan
This month to the Muslim brothters is the holy month. The RAMADAN is the fasting for the muslim is a must (fardhu). Indonesia is the most muslim populated country in the world, yet it's not a muslim nation. It's a nation with Pancasila as a foundation to unite and bind various religions, ethnics , languages, cultures and traditions. The religious freedom is protected by the constitutions. However, I don't feel freedom is apply in Indonesia.
To practice fasting is the time of reflections, restraint from earthly desire and do prayers. This is a very personal decision for the Muslims to willingly abide in the commandments of the holy Quran and directions from prophet Muhammad S.A.W..
As Indonesian citizen I feel something just not right with certain regulations in some areas in Indonesia that the force to close little restaurant (warung makan) that open in the afternoon. Seems to me that some people want to take God places to judge and insist what is they think should people do. It's not our business to interfere others to practice religions. I don't think God would mind if some people don't or won't fast. Fasting is for our own good. We get rewards by doing it. I don't have to mention about the benefits of fasting.
It's absurd actions to close the open small restaurant and other entertainment business places. It has nothing to do with fasting. Fasting suppose to be devotion to God. When other fellowmen don't fast, it's there business with God and none of our business.
We can't interfere with God business since we are not God. Who do we think we are?
It's a pity when we show no respect for other decisions to do what ever the want to do with their religious life. It's very personal to worship God. It's a freewill that separated us from animal. No one should insist other to practice fasting when God doesn't insist His creations to fast.
I think the regulations are naive and hollow. This reflect the lack of understanding toward the essence of fasting itself. Temptations are not just physical but also in subtle ways. Just keep the fasting is a normal thing, like a Monday and Thursday fasting in non Ramadan days.
If a person committed a sin who will be the judge? You ? Me? We are sinners as well so we don't have to be the hypocrites.
Fasting is a very normal and simple thing, thus don't make it seems complicated.
When we see other people eat, or smoke so what? It doesn't matter because it's their business.
We don't have to 'kill' the businesses for the shake of ramadan (fasting). The maturity and understanding of fasting need some kind of reformation in Indonesia. We don't have to create unnecessary problem for our self? I wonder why the in the market place during ramadan the goods prices are up? I thought it's suppose to be normal since many people fasting? Do we consume more when we fast? This is a contradiction of common sense. Or this is the month of luxury for some people to gain profits from the moment of ramadan?
When Indonesian muslim travel to other country what would they do? Or Indonesian students in the States in Ramadan month what would they do? Keep fast and pray I supposed . Other doesn't bother them, why should we?
Why oh why? Boy o boy...