Friday, October 27, 2006

A Message in a Bottle!
Floods and Earthquakes: the upcoming natural disaster in Indonesia

After a long drought season, the rainy season is yet to be welcome as always as regular in Indonesia natural cycles. Due to the deforestation in Indonesia, cause by illegal logging, fire forestations, enlargement of field for re-plantation, development of houses and buildings etc the floods are not avoidable. However, as a nation we do have a choice to be proactive to prevent more damages to our own people. The emergency rescues need to be in alert mode and ready for unexpected natural phenomenon.

I would like to suggest the government of Indonesia to be prepared all the time and to have immediate response to different kind of needs cause by natural disaster such as flood and earthquakes. This is just an alarming thought from a common Indonesian citizen to Mr. Vice and Mr. President of Indonesia, SYB and JK. We need to take control of the upcoming situations in Indonesia for the sake of humanity. As the government Mr. President and Vice President need to be proactive to recover the damages and to fulfill the basics need of the survivors.

I just analyzing situation in the past six years since I came back from the States, floods and earthquakes are majors’ problems in Indonesia as a part of unstable scenic geologic regions. There for we need to utilizing our senses to be prepared and do what ever it takes to save our own people, the people of Indonesia, our own nation. To make it simple and keep it simple to solve what really matter the most for Indonesian residences and citizens: safety, food, water and shelter. Money is not an issue!

We need to learn from our past such as Tsunami in Aceh, Nias and Pangandaran. Needless to say, earthquake in Jogyakarta, Papua province and others natural catastrophes are examples who do we handle the situation reactively rather than proactively. Who knows whether Jakarta is next?

Please send a message SOS. Save Indonesia please!
Lord have mercy on us…

Truly Yours,


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I would like to congratulate my Muslim brothers and sisters: " Minal Aidin Walfa Idzin". Please forgive me physically and spiritually. (Mohon maaf lahir & batin).

Let this moment we use to ask forgiveness and give forgiveness to the people we know especially our parents and elders.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I Wish!
by Contributing writer P.C. Stak

Instead of doing my usual habit which is day dreaming (it’s not recommended at all), I better express something on writing. I think I’ve done this before, it was years ago after I graduated from college. I was having the same thing; I was waiting for job opening. Well, anytime that our mind is not occupied with something, our mind will go somewhere into the wilderness. Waiting in vein, or in exhale would not be a good thing, but again patience is a virtue. I guess there is a time in our life where there will be a void; there will come a question of how long will it be. Only difference this time around is that I know where I’m headed to. So, this is what I’m writing…
I wish….
I wish I know what is absolute in this world...
I wish I know what my path in this world…
I wish I know the story of my life…
I wish I know the end of the story of my life…
I wish I know that what I needed will be provided…
I wish I know that the suffering will worth something…
I wish I know that my sorrow and pain will be for the better…
I wish I know that the world know what I know…
I wish I know that I have given all…
The word of wish has been in our mind since we are little? I wish I would know. If I have a choice in this world, what would it be? A question with hundreds, thousands, even billions answers. But we don’t have a choice of what we wanted to be. If there is… I want to be good looking, rich, famous, be happy… All that I wanted would be there. But, at the end we are not what we wanted. Are we going to be happy, are we going to find what we wanted? That’s when the word of Wish comes. Inconsolably, we use the word of "Wish" to make ourselves feel better. But that’s not the permanent solution to the question. For the last months, I have been using the word of "wish" so frequently that my mind almost going insane. Up to this time, I still use the word of "wish". The word of "wish" would entertain me into the world of imaginations. I would make some many scenes in my imagination using the word of "wish". There are so many acts in my dreams that wishing I am rich, be in love, being wanted, being respected and being the best. For awhile, those dreams gave me self satisfaction. But just for awhile, until it hits me with the realization that those wishes would not come true.

The word of "wish" is a great, strong, powerful word. It needs to be used wisely and not to be drawn into the unreachable dreams that would make us insane. What we feel, see and taste; those are the reality. The word of "wish" is an excuse to deny what you have in front of you. Like Marthen Luther King said long time ago… I have a dream... It’s not I have a wish…
I have learned now not to exceed the word of "wish". I have learned now the word of "wish" only brings me into the temptations without good endings. The word is only for the needs of flesh not for faith. God has teaches me this week to depend on Him and trust in Him for the past, present and the future of my life. There is no word of "wish" in the vocabulary of Jesus Christ. Be with Him, walk with Him and live in Him are the words that I should and will use and trust. I’m going back to the poem that I wrote earlier… I wish I know what is absolute in this world… I have the answer. God is absolute, anything less than Him is not absolute. …


Saturday, October 07, 2006

Indonesia: Fire in the Forest! S.O.S !
Help needed!

Lately the weather in Indonesia is very hot. The fire forestation cause by the heat was unaffoidable. However, I'm dissapointed with the response from Vice President Jusuf Kalla that he gave up to the nature and wait for the rain to come. It's doesn't make any sense that the second rank leader in Indonesia said something like that. It showed his ignorance and stupidity toward the emergency situation in Indonesia.

If I were Mr. Vice President, I would do what ever it takes to put the fire in the forrest out as soon as possilble. This is one of Indonesian natural disaster. Where are our fire protection experts? Sit down, wacth and see?

We need some immediate response!
Wake up Indonesia, wake up my country.
Please do something about it Mr. President SBY or JK.
We vote for you so you can feel what we feel, think what we think.
To The PEOPLE" Not just a slogan non sense.

Please help us God.
Have mercy on us.

I would ask for help from Neigbouring countries like Malaysia, Brunai, Singapore, Philipines, Australia or even the USA to help us out for damage control.

Or even I would asked Freeport Mc Morran for their contribution to put the fire out.
Freeport has advance fire protections system. Let make it to help the real currrent need
and the real problem just infront of our eyes.

'Ask and we will be answered.
Seek and we will find.
Knock and the doors will be openen."

Money is not a factor.

Please Mr. President and Vice President of Republic of INDONESIA.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006


The nation with rich natural resources and over 200 million citizens is striving for true freedom and transformations.

Indonesia is very rich in natural resources yet the people lack of 'self realization' and capability to utilize and to conquer the domain owned by this particular country.
As the earth citizen, we need to think globally or universally and act locally. Otherwise, the 'alien nation' will rape, manipulate, colonized, loot and invade what we have.

As a nation Indonesia seems to be in the mode of 'trans'. Just like being hypnosis by a foreign and local mentalist. Dedy Cobuzier and Rommy Raphael, the leading mentalist in Indonesia have shown to the Indonesian audience/ public how can he play the game of mind or hypnosis. It's the 'war' in the mind between the east and the west. Seems to me, now days, Indonesia is just like a 'rat' to dead in the middle of rice barn. 'The Alien' blindfolded Indonesians nation in seek for freedom and transformation of heart, mind and action.

Indonesia being manipulate by the 'alien' influence to run the country in subtle way, just like a horse being controlled by the cowboys in the west. Without realizing that this country is capable of utilizing the resources to fulfill the needs of its own citizens. Indonesians seems to me make the simple things complicated, and make complicated things simple.

The government regulations ironically give more advantage to the outsider than to the people it self. Why do the government increase the debt to other countries or institution like IMF? We are don't have to be their slave in order to provide our citizens. We do have massive resources to provide our own needs and other countries. We could be the self provide nations like India. Debt make Indonesia like a helpless 'cows' that ready to be slaughtered. The debt make Indonesia bondage by others and difficult to grow. In additions, the Indonesian government lately creating regulations and legislation's that unnecessary, out of target and far from educating its citizens to be equally capable to compete or to cooperate with other nations. Indonesia is not FOR SALE !

Seems to me that we set our own mind, mentality out of order.

The awareness that this nation is an important part of global community is very low. Why did the Ducht and the Japs were very comfortable to colonized Indonesia for over 3,5 centuries? No leaders seems to have the right mind set or perspective to act as the nation that can provide not only the need of its people but also other nations. The high populations is not the weakness of this nation, but it is the power to shows the world that is wrong to underestimate the existence of our tradition, culture, and way of life. We are the same human kind of human being that live in the same planet. Why do we have to feel inferior other race? We are the same being with different languages? Now days the colonizations exist in very subtle way, the real independence is yet to come. Our eastern hospitality being taken for granted and abused by 'aliens' influence.
The golden rule don't apply in our daily life since the lack of self realization of how important we are in the eyes of the world. We are the 'super power' country. We need to earn our self respect again.

What we do in Indonesia affecting the global atmosphere. The forest is being logged legally or illegally might the cause to the late hurricane 'Katrina'. The fire that we create to make palm oil plantation in Riau Province make the earth warmer, the ice in the polar is melting. It takes a long period to rehabilitate the forest. Some said that the forest is the heart of the earth, but we Indonesian smoke it out like cigarettes. The next natural cathastrhophy is yet to come.

Seems that Indonesian people have nothing to lose, yet we lost the essence that maintain the stability for our next generation. We destroy our own power that surpass the power of nuclear weapon, the power of nature. The laws of nature apply to every beings that live in planet earth.

We confused between reformation and transformation. The reformation in Indonesia seems fail to hit the bull eye. Indonesia is not for sale! Money is not everything. What we need are food, clothes and shelter. The rest is luxury . When the Tsunami hit Aceh, Nias and Pangandaran what do we need? When the earthquake shaked Jogyakarta what do we need? Can we eat money or gold and drink oil to fill our stomach? We need to put first thing first and not confused between what we need and what we want? We need to respect our self before we can respect others. When we received donations from other nations some of them get in to the pocket of certain individuals.

The word terrorist is being abuse to achieve hidden agenda by certain nations. Indonesia naturally is a peace loving country but some institutions using hypnosis or brained wash some people to put the hatred seeds toward certain religions or nations. The real terrorism is unseen to the naked eyes. It's the manipulations of words in campaigning certain agenda to invade the richness of other nations. The greediness is one form of terrorism. The greed to take oil, copper, gold, coal, woods, nickel and other natural resources to make money without care for the responsibilities will destroy the worlds' ecosystem, ecology and balance. We don't have to be naive to use terrorism as the word as an excuse to do evil thing.

Is Indonesia for sale? You might be able to buy anything in Indonesia. Ricky Martin is fighting against human trafficking. Yet there is a bigger issue, a nation trafficking. In China could manipulate Indonesia to export textile product to the US. The forest is for sale. The copper and gold in Papua is for sale. The oil is for sale. The labour is for sale. The island is for sale. The ladies are for sale. The journalists a.k.a as the 'watch dog' are for sale. The law enforcement is for sale. The court is for sale. The football stadium is for sale. The voice of the election is for sale. It's scary to see anything is for sale. It's not just for sale but they sell them cheap. Ashamed on us !
Lord have mercy...

We are desperate to have another Independence. The Independence of mind set slavery. It's not just the physical Independence on August 17, 1945, but also the freedom from intimidation from 'alien'.

We always use terminologies such as corruptions, collusion's, and nepotism. Yet, the parameter is vague. It is obviously occur not only in Indonesia but also in the US. Those terminologies use as a tool to cover up, to do what it take to create fear among us. This is just another way to abuse words. Those words could mislead people and use to intimidate a nation, like Indonesia. This is just another form unseen conspiracy to manipulate words in order to weaken our nation. Why we are so blind? Maybe the 'hypnosis's' is working on us. Our paradigm need to be calibrated. Indonesia seems to be the mystical nation yet not strong enough to counter the manipulations of 'Public Relations' words. In Indonesia the words of " Corruptions, Collisions Nepotism (KKN) "are very sensitive words. This terminologies being abuse to the extent that we don't understand the situation anymore.

Let me set some examples.
1.President George W. Bush Jr, the son of the Former George W. Bush Sr. (Nepotism?)
2.Wacth Fahrenheit 9/11 then you will see the 'Collusion's' between President Bush and Vice President Chenney. The oil company, the military equipment, the company they owned everything has some degree/ level of collusion's on Invasion to Iraq.
3. Corruptions in the US; It is obliviously 'corrupt' to invade other country in the name unproven of the weapon of mass destruction. Who is the most corrupt nations in the world? Where is 'the weapon of mass destruction'? They ' mass destroyed' their own troops and Iraqi people! Where is the respect and honor for the humanity?

Terrorism in not only physical act like 9/11 but terrorism is could be so subtle, it is invisible to the eyes. This kind of terrorism is affect acutely than just a nuclear weapon. The words may not break your bone, but it will break your heart. That is why we need encouraging words from the wise man. We don't have to live the life in the name of terror. We need to live in the name of LOVE. In God we trust? Or we trust in paper we called Money?
Money is made by the paper from the forest we destroy. When the natural disaster such as floods hit some countries? What do we needs? Food and not gold, copper or money paper to eat. Water and not oil. Clothes and shelter in time of emergency.
When the Tsunami hit Aceh, Nias, & Pangandaran the massive amount of gold that found by the volunteers is meaningless to the victims.

Money politics? Or Money invasions?
In the name of terror or in the name of love?
Is the golden rule still apply? Or the Jungle Law rules?

When Hurricane Katrina stoke New Orleans, the city of Jazz, they couldn't eat their gold, paper money or drink their oil; but they desperate looked for food and in the convenience stores. Haven't we learned? Or we just want to be ignorant all the time.
Steven Seagel said, "Assumption is mother of all fuck up."
We might assume to much and afraid of our 'homeland security' more than walk the talk and talk the walk. The 'Earth' is our home, so please respect the mother earth other wise she will 'cry' in form of floods.
The hurricane, tornadoes just the affect of deforestation's in some countries.

Smile and the world will smile to you?

We have to stand up for our rights! The right to see with different right perspective and use our heart to see the different between right and wrong. We need to sharpen our heart , mind and body in order to survive in a cruel world. It is a Hearst reality. We need our senses back in its place. It is the COMMON SENSE nothing genius about it.

"You gonna have to serve somebody. It may be the devil or the Lord but you gonna have to serve somebody." by Bob Dylan.

To be revised and continued...


Excuse my language people.
Any comment? Write it down please. No Spam please!

As a nation Indonesia seems to forget the basic foundation which is Pancasila and UUD 1945. We ignore the teachings of our predecessors such as Mr. Soekarno who said that a nation that ignore/forget the history will repeat the the mistakes in the past and will always be a 'new born' baby all his/her life. The 'Soekarno's Mystic Gold Reserves' might hide inside the Mother Earth in the eastern part of Indonesia, Papua.

The richness of Papua is beyond human imaginations. However, Indonesian government seems helpless to control our very own, natural resources. It's a sad tragedy! We as a nation not only seems like a 'Sleeping Elephant but maybe an addicted (being drugs) elephant'. This is maybe a wake up call for Indonesian leaders and intellectuals. So many Doctorate degrees that graduate from overseas still couldn't make positive contributions to make a better Great Indonesia. Doctorate degrees seem to be useless for us! To many experts who offers solutions that create a bigger problems. Many of us lost our senses; sense of humanity, compassions, justice, priority. We are confused who we really are! Many time we 'misunderstood' and confused and lost our own identity. We can see but we are pretending be blind. We listen but we are pretending to be deaf. We are in crisis of unity, we are in crisis of humanity, we are in crisis Godliness, we are in crisis of justice for all people. We are in crisis of consciousness.We more believe in black magic more than in One God, the "Father" of all. Lost the sense of humanity. Being divided to pieces by the 'unseen colonials'/ devide at impera. No time to for eastern democracy and wisdom instead of western democracy. We don't honor our heritage. From the east to the west the sun is rising with hope that after dark there will be light. No social justice no more. Most of the time we are defending wrong from right. Maybe the song of Ebied G. Ade said it all ( Berita Kepada Kawan.).
Please, Mr. President SBY and JK, serve your own citizens/people instead of serve those unseen /unrealized 'colonials'. Who ever they are.
We need to stand up for our right! No compromise! We badly need your strong leadership like Mr. Soekarno, Mr. Soeharto, Mr.Habibie, Mr. Wahid, Mrs. Mega combined. Unity in Diversity. We as Indonesian citizens badly needed you as our 'good shepherd '. We are daze and confused citizens.
May God have mercy on us.
Humbly yours,


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