Friday, August 17, 2007


Today we are celebrating our national independence day. This is the moment to introspect our achievement as a sovereign nation.

In a 'reformation' era we need a moment to contemplate what is independence all about. What is a true freedom?

Do we want to repeat history when we fail to acknowledge our past? Do we as a nations learn some lessons from our own past?

Is this just another formal annual celebration all over the islands?
Just another day to raise the Indonesian flag as a symbol of our independence?
To sing patriotic songs on our nation's birthday?
Or just to organize local annual activities?

Indonesia need more just than those physical activities above! Our independence must go to a higher level, independence from 'mental slavery'!

Today, the enemies of this country are 'sublime'! Unseen with our naked eyes! This is the freedom we as a nation yet to pursue!

Great Eagle is our national symbol, yet our 'enemies' keep telling us that we are 'little chicken'!
We have to come together as a nation to realize our 'true self'! Then we can acts accordingly to our true nature!
When we are using a shades glass we are seeing everything dark, on the other hand when we are using yellow glass on our eyes we will see everything yellow.

Indonesian people need to think not just about reformations but also transformations!
Let us take a moment to contemplate on the lyrics on our national anthem, Indonesia Raya!
Not just the first stanza but also the other two stanzas that became polemic lately. This is the vision of the author about our own country.
"Indonesian National Anthem"

Indonesia Raya
by WR Supratman

Stanza 1:

Indonesia Tanah Airkoe Tanah Toempah Darahkoe
Disanalah Akoe Berdiri ’Djadi Pandoe Iboekoe
Indonesia Kebangsaankoe Bangsa Dan Tanah Airkoe
Marilah Kita Berseroe Indonesia Bersatoe

Hidoeplah Tanahkoe Hidoeplah Negrikoe
Bangsakoe Ra’jatkoe Sem’wanja
Bangoenlah Djiwanja Bangoenlah Badannja
Oentoek Indonesia Raja

Indonesia Raja Merdeka Merdeka Tanahkoe Negrikoe Jang Koetjinta
Indonesia Raja Merdeka Merdeka Hidoeplah Indonesia Raja

Stanza 2:

Indonesia Tanah Jang Moelia Tanah Kita Jang Kaja
Disanalah Akoe Berdiri Oentoek Slama-Lamanja
Indonesia Tanah Poesaka P’saka Kita Semoenja
Marilah Kita Mendo’a Indonesia Bahagia

Soeboerlah Tanahnja Soeboerlah Djiwanja
Bangsanja Ra’jatnja Sem’wanja
Sadarlah Hatinja Sadarlah Boedinja
Oentoek Indonesia Raja

Indonesia Raja Merdeka Merdeka Tanahkoe Negrikoe Jang Koetjinta
Indonesia Raja Merdeka Merdeka Hidoeplah Indonesia Raja

Stanza 3:

Indonesia Tanah Jang Seotji Tanah Kita Jang Sakti
Disanalah Akoe Berdiri ’Njaga Iboe Sedjati
Indonesia Tanah Berseri Tanah Jang Akoe Sajangi
Marilah Kita Berdjandji Indonesia Abadi

S’lamatlah Ra’jatnja S’lamatlah Poetranja
Poelaoenja Laoetnja Sem’wanja
Madjoelah Negrinja Madjoelah Pandoenja
Oentoek Indonesia Raja

Indonesia Raja Merdeka Merdeka Tanahkoe Negrikoe Jang Koetjinta
Indonesia Raja Merdeka Merdeka Hidoeplah Indonesia Raja "


1st stanza

Indonesia, our native country,
Our birthplace,
Where we all arise to stand (stand up) guard
Over this our Motherland:
Indonesia our nationality,
Our people and our country.
Come then, let us all exclaim
Indonesia united.
Long live our land,
Long live our state,
Our nation, our people, and all
Arise (live) then, its spirit(soul),
Arise, its bodies
For Great Indonesia.
Indonesia the Great, independent and free,
Our beloved country.
Indonesia the Great, independent and free,
Long live Indonesia the Great!

2n stanza
Indonesia, an eminent (noble) country,
Our wealthy (rich) country,
There we shall be forever.
Indonesia, the country of our ancestors,
A relic (inheritance) of all of us.
Let us pray
For Indonesia's prosperity (pray for Indonesia be 'blessed' ):
May her soil be fertile
And spirited (heart awareness) her soul,
The nation and all the people.
Conscious be her heart (spiritual and mind consciousness)
And her mind
For Indonesia the Great.

Indonesia the Great, independent and free,
Our beloved country.
Indonesia the Great, independent and free,
Long live Indonesia the Great!

3th stanza

Indonesia, a sacred (holy land/soil) country,
Our victorious (powerful in a sublime way) country( soil):
There we stand (to protect)
Guarding our true Mother.
Indonesia, a beaming (glorious soil) Country,
A country we love with all our heart,
Let's make a vow
That Indonesia be there forever.
Blessed ('saved') be her people
And her sons (citizens/ youth),
All her islands, and her seas.
Fast be the country's progress (Advance be the nation)
And the progress of her youth (Advance be the youth)
For Indonesia the Great.

Indonesia the Great, independent and free,
Our beloved country.
Indonesia the Great, independent and free,
Long live Indonesia the Great!

The three stanzas are the complete Independence 'packed' for our country. The first stanza is the foundation, the second stanza is a higher level of the 'pyramid'. And the third stanza is the higher pyramid of true Independence.

If we analyzed the every single words in our original national anthems it has a vision that Indonesia is, still and will become a great nation. A self respected and be respected nation in the world.

We really need to 'stand up for our rights'! This a journey of 'exodus' to a 'promise land'.
We need willingness, obedience and submission to our 'Guider/ Creator' in order to arrive in the 'holy land'.

"Tanah air tanah tumpah darahku-->tanah yang mulia tanah yang kaya-->tanah yang suci tanah yang sakti."
Indonesian soil (water and blood) native soil/land where the 'bloodshed' for independence upgraded to a--> noble soil, a wealthy/ rich soil--> a holy/sacred land/ soil, and powerful soil (in a sublime way).

Indonesia kebangsaanku-->Indonesia tanah pusaka-->Indonesia tanah berseri yang di sayangi
Indonesian nationality--> Indonesian soil is inheritance/relics --> into glorious/ beaming soil/ be loved soil

Marilah kita berseru--> Marilah kita mendoa Indonesia bahagia-->Marilah kita berjanji Indonesia abadi
Let us exclaim/proclaims --> Let us pray Indonesia be blessed/satisfied/happy--> Let us be committed/ vows Indonesia be forever.

And so on. Needless to say, the third stanza is the vision/ goal of the song writers! It's the highest state of achievement.

It is a work in progress. We need to be patient. There are many challenges in order to be the real 'great eagle/ Garuda' that fly freely in the sky above many problems.

I feel like it is a revelations for us that Indonesia is a 'Promise Land'. Think about it!
Is Indonesia a promise land? The land of the free and the land of opportunities!

Subliminally, Indonesia has been facing 'classic problems'. Don't let history repeat it self! We should learn from history! We must learn from the past aggressors/ colonials that they came all the way from their country to fulfill their own 'interests' for more than 3.5 centuries. Isn't that telling us something about Indonesia?
There was a movie "Something about Mary". I would say "Something about Indonesia" that is so special. We are the one who decided to chose an easy way or the hard way so make Indonesia a better place to live! To enlighten its citizens to come out from the 'darkness' to 'the true light'!

Needless to say God Bless and Love Indonesia!

To all Indonesian I would like to say:
Happy 62nd Independence Day 17 August 2007

May God have mercy on us sinners.

Trully yours,

Uncle Bob


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