Sunday, September 30, 2007
The Land Of Plenty: Needed the right focus for Stronger/ Powerful Indonesian
Honorable Mr.President SBY and Mr.Vice President JK please spend more national budged on our maritime resources instead. Indonesia is a maritime country with plenty of marine resources. With sustainable development programs to improve the quality of life of Indonesian citizens. Marine socio-economic educations needed to be implemented immediately to restore our national economic crisis.
Please:IMAGINE! REALIZE! and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Other countries are importing the richness of Indonesia while some of our beloved citizens suffering from malnutritions. Besides, Soy Bean (golden fruit of the earth), Fish is a rich source of protein. It is healthier than 'Mc D , KFC others junk food franchises that invade many places in strategic business locations. Mr. Minister of Maritime Freddy Numbery where are you Sir?
For how long Indonesian government loss track to put all energy, considerations, focus, to serve general public interest? The utilizations of our richness natural resources for our own needs is high priorities. Indonesian citizens is 'preferred costumers'!
We badly needed and looking for a 'wise' leader! We are looking a 'servant leader' instead. Or we want to be fooled all the time by those foreign 'mentality'. No one can free our self from mentally slavery but our self. Emancipated ourself from mental slavery!
All government decisions need to serve public/citizens interests instead of economic efficiency considerations or investors/ capital holders interest.
For example, Indonesia is a unstable regions thus we don't really need 'nuclear reactor' to safe money. Based on the past catastrophes tragedies/ incidents such as earthquakes, floods, tsunami, forest fire etc I consider is not wise decisions. Do we want to become second Chernobyl? Isn't it fool decisions? Or wise? As an eastern nations we need to set our mentality to our ancestors who had eastern wisdom instead of eastern mysticism.
Please Mr. President of Indonesia, SBY and JK as "Servant Leader" reconsider those unnecessary programs and let us focus how to serve or meet the needs of Indonesian beloved citizens. Money is not an issue! Saving or protecting and serving your very own citizens to built a holistic nature of our existence.
To serve is to sacrifice our own ego!
To serve is to give something back to electoral collages.
To serve sometimes cost and unprofitable.
To serve means putting our beloved citizens as high priorities than foreign investors.
To serve is a dedication of life.
To serve with love instead of fears.
To serve like a Javanese servant.
There is a saying that with great power comes great responsibility. Yet power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupt absolutely.
"From the people, By the people, For the people" is not just our motto but need to be implemented as a lifestyle. We are coping with our mentality. Not mentality of a chicken but and eagle, Great Eagle called Garuda Pancasila.
Please, Mr. President to decides all kind of matter based on the servant-hood mentalities instead of bureaucrat's mentalities. Sacrifice means unprofitable to government, yet saving so many soul from poverty, hunger and ignorance.
Those are some of my concerns with Indonesia. Indonesian First Lady, Mrs. Yudhoyono once announce the concern newborn babies to get colostrum from mother. What the about the grown up, adolescence, and old people? It's a good start. But we need to go forward to the 'finish line'. It's a just a beginning for a long 'process' of life itself.
WAKE UP, WAKE UP, the ' Sleeping Giant Elephant': My Beloved INDONESIA!
The Mystical Sun is shining upon you to enlighten the darkness of your soul.
The Great Eagles on the Sky who fly free and gracious above the 'storm' of deceptions/ manipulations. Be Wise or be Fool is your choice. Stand up and Rise to greet the warm of morning Sun.
May God, Father of all creations have mercy and bless Great Indonesian.....
Best Regard,
Unworthy BoB
Labels: Indonesia Down Under
Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Quoted from
I wondered why do Indonesian government have to hired two fire-fighting helicopters from South Korea when we as prosper can buy those equipments? Since we do need those helicopters for a long terms. It's an excellence investment! Every year Indonesia have to cope with forest fire in numerous areas/ provinces. We badly need many of those to minimized global warming.
We can pay those items with our export products. We inherited so many natural resources! You named it! Just like the first President of Indonesia, Mr. Soekarno paid the Bung Karno Stadium to USSR for the Asian Olympic Games in the 50s.
Our lack of understanding that we are a rich and powerful country, prohibited us to do great deeds and affect our esteem! Indonesia is a 'mystical nation' with a mystic attitude that need to transcend to a lateral and creative way of thinking instead. The President as a decision maker should educate its own citizens to think above the problems. Money is not a problem for Indonesian government. The problem is the way of thinking from the leader in power (Mr. SBY & JK) to make brilliant decisions making on how to solve and anticipate problems instead doing some public relations works to win upcoming election. For the sake and interest of the people he (the President) represents not the others (investors).
A leadership breakthrough is badly needed for Indonesian government! It's not about the doctorate degree we hold, but the utilizations of all senses that make us 'genius'. Needless to say, we called it 'common senses'.
Sometimes, Public Relations strategies are abused to manipulate the people instead. Shame on us! Hopefully, we will come to self realizations who we really are and services to the tax paying citizens.
Behold Indonesia and open all your senses!
Truly yours,
Monday, September 24, 2007
Indonesia Wild Fire: Enough is Enough!
Another wild fire was burning on some locations in Indonesia need immediate responses and actions from the Central Government of Indonesia! Even I can fell the heat thousands miles away!
This is the part of commitment to prevent global warming, thus need special efforts from Mr. SBY cabinet to spent the money on protecting our precious forest from devastation. Other, another disaster will follows as a result of the Indonesian government 'ignorance' of this matter. Or the APEC meeting just another annual politic and economic meeting without any impact on the interest for the global community.
Please, don't just sit back and watch the burning fire. We need to realize that wild fire is a serious matter. Please don't just sleep over this problem, cause after this automatically the floods will follows. Or we just want to repeat history all over again.
Enough is enough! We can spent some money for a luxurious vehicles but not from the Dept. of Fire Emergency vehicles or air planes. Come on Mr. President give me a break! As an Indonesian citizen I'm deeply disappointed and upset concerning this wild fire disasters! Please don't expands the citizens cause we are not expandable.
This is the holy month of Ramadhan for the Moeslim brothers and sisters. A time when have to contemplate on our own deeds to God, fellow earth citizens and Mother Nature. Please don't sleep over this nature emergency! Wake up and do something about it Mr. President SBY and JK.
Trully yours,
Uncle BOB
Another wild fire was burning on some locations in Indonesia need immediate responses and actions from the Central Government of Indonesia! Even I can fell the heat thousands miles away!
This is the part of commitment to prevent global warming, thus need special efforts from Mr. SBY cabinet to spent the money on protecting our precious forest from devastation. Other, another disaster will follows as a result of the Indonesian government 'ignorance' of this matter. Or the APEC meeting just another annual politic and economic meeting without any impact on the interest for the global community.
Please, don't just sit back and watch the burning fire. We need to realize that wild fire is a serious matter. Please don't just sleep over this problem, cause after this automatically the floods will follows. Or we just want to repeat history all over again.
Enough is enough! We can spent some money for a luxurious vehicles but not from the Dept. of Fire Emergency vehicles or air planes. Come on Mr. President give me a break! As an Indonesian citizen I'm deeply disappointed and upset concerning this wild fire disasters! Please don't expands the citizens cause we are not expandable.
This is the holy month of Ramadhan for the Moeslim brothers and sisters. A time when have to contemplate on our own deeds to God, fellow earth citizens and Mother Nature. Please don't sleep over this nature emergency! Wake up and do something about it Mr. President SBY and JK.
Trully yours,
Uncle BOB
Labels: Mr. President SBY Please Spend Some Money to Put the Fire Forresttaion....
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Quoted from
("APEC leaders agree climate change pact at summit"
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Asia-Pacific leaders agreed on Saturday to a "long-term aspirational goal" to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but no binding targets, and are expected to end their summit on Sunday urging a conclusion to world trade talks.
Australian Prime Minister John Howard told reporters 21 Asia-Pacific leaders had agreed to a "Sydney Declaration" on climate change, calling it "a new international consensus." )
This consensus needed to be upgraded to global /international commitments and actions.
It's not easy to grow trees that takes thousands years to grow with Dollars donations. We need to minimize logging: legal or illegal.
Have you ever heard about the 'Butterfly effects'? "The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado to appear (or prevent a tornado from appearing). The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different."
Butterfly wings ~ >Tornados
Fireforestation ~> Hurricanes
The preserve the earth is a global responsibility! We don't have to point our finger to blame which country more responsible . It's on our shoulders.
When the fire forestation in Indonesia a few weeks ago might affecting the caused of Hurricanes Felix in other part of the world. Yin and Yang's principles applied on this matter.
Fire in the Forrest/ jungle 'heart of the Earth' is the real terrorism we a global community need to fight!
Don't you feel the heat? Besides the world trade talks, we need the world trade actions to regrows our Forrest from devastation's.
Every nations depending on each other who do we slowed or stopped global warming.
The money should be focused on renewing the Forrest and fire equipments for preventing it from fire forestation on the drought seasons.
Or are we just want to observe others hurricanes or disasters visiting us in the future? And uncertain climate for the generations to come?
Those thing not supposed in the news if we taking care the 'Mother Earth'!
Save our Planet World's leaders ?!
Stop natural 'terrorism' !
Last, but not least. I would like to thanks Mr. President Bush for donating $ 20 mill to Indonesian government to regrow our forest. Please send us aids to cope with annual fire in the forest on some islands such as fire equipments etc. Two thumbs up for you Mr. Bush.
Lord have mercy on us sinners ....
Uncle Bob
Quoted from
("APEC leaders agree climate change pact at summit"
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Asia-Pacific leaders agreed on Saturday to a "long-term aspirational goal" to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but no binding targets, and are expected to end their summit on Sunday urging a conclusion to world trade talks.
Australian Prime Minister John Howard told reporters 21 Asia-Pacific leaders had agreed to a "Sydney Declaration" on climate change, calling it "a new international consensus." )
This consensus needed to be upgraded to global /international commitments and actions.
It's not easy to grow trees that takes thousands years to grow with Dollars donations. We need to minimize logging: legal or illegal.
Have you ever heard about the 'Butterfly effects'? "The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado to appear (or prevent a tornado from appearing). The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different."
Butterfly wings ~ >Tornados
Fireforestation ~> Hurricanes
The preserve the earth is a global responsibility! We don't have to point our finger to blame which country more responsible . It's on our shoulders.
When the fire forestation in Indonesia a few weeks ago might affecting the caused of Hurricanes Felix in other part of the world. Yin and Yang's principles applied on this matter.
Fire in the Forrest/ jungle 'heart of the Earth' is the real terrorism we a global community need to fight!
Don't you feel the heat? Besides the world trade talks, we need the world trade actions to regrows our Forrest from devastation's.
Every nations depending on each other who do we slowed or stopped global warming.
The money should be focused on renewing the Forrest and fire equipments for preventing it from fire forestation on the drought seasons.
Or are we just want to observe others hurricanes or disasters visiting us in the future? And uncertain climate for the generations to come?
Those thing not supposed in the news if we taking care the 'Mother Earth'!
Save our Planet World's leaders ?!
Stop natural 'terrorism' !
Last, but not least. I would like to thanks Mr. President Bush for donating $ 20 mill to Indonesian government to regrow our forest. Please send us aids to cope with annual fire in the forest on some islands such as fire equipments etc. Two thumbs up for you Mr. Bush.
Lord have mercy on us sinners ....
Uncle Bob
Labels: Mr. Bush donation to Indonesian forrest