Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Land Of Plenty: Needed the right focus for Stronger/ Powerful Indonesian

Honorable Mr.President SBY and Mr.Vice President JK please spend more national budged on our maritime resources instead. Indonesia is a maritime country with plenty of marine resources. With sustainable development programs to improve the quality of life of Indonesian citizens. Marine socio-economic educations needed to be implemented immediately to restore our national economic crisis.
Please:IMAGINE! REALIZE! and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Other countries are importing the richness of Indonesia while some of our beloved citizens suffering from malnutritions. Besides, Soy Bean (golden fruit of the earth), Fish is a rich source of protein. It is healthier than 'Mc D , KFC others junk food franchises that invade many places in strategic business locations. Mr. Minister of Maritime Freddy Numbery where are you Sir?
For how long Indonesian government loss track to put all energy, considerations, focus, to serve general public interest? The utilizations of our richness natural resources for our own needs is high priorities. Indonesian citizens is 'preferred costumers'!
We badly needed and looking for a 'wise' leader! We are looking a 'servant leader' instead. Or we want to be fooled all the time by those foreign 'mentality'. No one can free our self from mentally slavery but our self. Emancipated ourself from mental slavery!
All government decisions need to serve public/citizens interests instead of economic efficiency considerations or investors/ capital holders interest.
For example, Indonesia is a unstable regions thus we don't really need 'nuclear reactor' to safe money. Based on the past catastrophes tragedies/ incidents such as earthquakes, floods, tsunami, forest fire etc I consider is not wise decisions. Do we want to become second Chernobyl? Isn't it fool decisions? Or wise? As an eastern nations we need to set our mentality to our ancestors who had eastern wisdom instead of eastern mysticism.
Please Mr. President of Indonesia, SBY and JK as "Servant Leader" reconsider those unnecessary programs and let us focus how to serve or meet the needs of Indonesian beloved citizens. Money is not an issue! Saving or protecting and serving your very own citizens to built a holistic nature of our existence.
To serve is to sacrifice our own ego!
To serve is to give something back to electoral collages.
To serve sometimes cost and unprofitable.
To serve means putting our beloved citizens as high priorities than foreign investors.
To serve is a dedication of life.
To serve with love instead of fears.
To serve like a Javanese servant.

There is a saying that with great power comes great responsibility. Yet power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupt absolutely.
"From the people, By the people, For the people" is not just our motto but need to be implemented as a lifestyle. We are coping with our mentality. Not mentality of a chicken but and eagle, Great Eagle called Garuda Pancasila.
Please, Mr. President to decides all kind of matter based on the servant-hood mentalities instead of bureaucrat's mentalities. Sacrifice means unprofitable to government, yet saving so many soul from poverty, hunger and ignorance.

Those are some of my concerns with Indonesia. Indonesian First Lady, Mrs. Yudhoyono once announce the concern newborn babies to get colostrum from mother. What the about the grown up, adolescence, and old people? It's a good start. But we need to go forward to the 'finish line'. It's a just a beginning for a long 'process' of life itself.

WAKE UP, WAKE UP, the ' Sleeping Giant Elephant': My Beloved INDONESIA!
The Mystical Sun is shining upon you to enlighten the darkness of your soul.
The Great Eagles on the Sky who fly free and gracious above the 'storm' of deceptions/ manipulations. Be Wise or be Fool is your choice. Stand up and Rise to greet the warm of morning Sun.

May God, Father of all creations have mercy and bless Great Indonesian.....

Best Regard,
Unworthy BoB


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