Sunday, March 09, 2008


Indonesia: "Dream of Self Provide Nation"

Indonesia is naturally prosper! However, Indonesians need to have the 'right' paradigm in order to achieve a 'prosper' economy.
In the era of President Soeharto, we as a nation has been strive to be a self provide nation. So called in Bahasa, "SWASEMBADA".
This terminology is rarely heard on the era of Reforms Indonesian Government!
Where as we do have rich natural resources, such as oil, gas, gold, copper, nickels: soils for plantations, sea and ocean for seafood, and much more I couldn't mentions. The list is go on!
However, the paradigm in Indonesian economic development seems to be 'lost' from the right track! Instead, the government's decisions and regulations give disadvantages to the so called 'people' or citizens and more likely to give more advantages to foreigns 'interest'/ investors.
The Indonesian government seems to me more likely to use highly 'reactive' approach than a 'proactive' in coping with significants economic/ social/ political issues for the sake of Indonesian people/ citizens that voted for them to lead this country as their leader. Too many disappointments have been suffered by Indonesian people from the lack of proper developments agenda to make Indonesia a prosper and strong nation in the world .
Seems as a nation Indonesia need to achieve ' true realizations'/ paradigm about what is Indonesia is all about! Instead of doing Public Relations mambo jumbos a.k.a propaganda to increase popularity or ratings for the next Indonesia Presidential Elections on 2009, we need to focus on what is really matter for the national stability.
From my observations watching Indonesian News in the media, It 'broke' my heart to see 'bad' news every single day. It's absurds!
From the people By the people For the people! Isn't it democracy all about? Or we want to show the 'demo' of our own 'crazinesses' to the people of Indonesia.
The parameter of decisions making should be for the sake of 'Indonesian people' interest. Not 'Alien Nations' interests.
Please Mr President SBY and JK, we need to be back on the 'right' track of paradigm. Don't let other things disturb your focus. Promised is a promised! We do hold on to your words on your last election campaign. 2012 in coming so be prepared. We need to 'stand up for our rights'!
You can do it!
Truly yours concern citizen,

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