Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Paradoxal Indonesia

Sumber: Sejumlah warga antri untuk mendapatkan gas di salah satu agen gas di Bandung, Jawa Barat, Senin (14/4). Antrian yang telah berlangsung selama lima hari tersebut terjadi akibat kenaikan harga dan tidak lancarnya pasokan gas dari Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Elpiji (SPBBE). Pada antrian itu setiap warga mendapat jatah dua tabung gas dengan harga Rp.56.000 per-tabung. (ANTARA/Rezza Estily)
Some citizens were waiting on the line to get gas on the station one of the Bandung gas agency, West Java, Monday (14/4/08). The line has been going on for five days due to the rises of gas prices and distributions problems from the SPBBE/ Stations of Gas Refilling. Every citizen has to gas tanks for a price of $ 5,6 each. (ANTARA/Rezza Estily)
Paradox Situation isn't it?